Building a Brand Based on Emotions: Fear

regardless of what each individual might be afraid of,there is no doubt that fear sells.

Building a Brand Based on Emotions: Desire to Get a Good Deal

Most consumers want to feel like they’ve gotten a good deal when they make a purchase.

Building a Brand Based on Emotions: Desire for Instant Gratification

eople to purchase your products and services, and selling a feeling of security

Building a Brand Based on Emotions: Love and Belonging

Relationship brands like Harley Davidson offer the perfect benchmark for building a brand based on the emotions of love and a sense of belonging.

Building a Brand Based on Emotions: Guilt

Guilt is a powerful emotion that can come in many forms.

5 office branding tips that will transform your brand

Your work space can be a useful tool to help bring your brand to life.

Building a Brand Based on Emotions: Competition

Competition is something that most people feel at some point in their lives.

Building a Brand Based on Emotions: Security

eople to purchase your products and services, and selling a feeling of security

Building a Brand Based on Emotions: Desire for Freedom

There is a reason why marketing programs hyping “no contract,” “cancel anytime,”.

Design process of an advertising agency

Before starting on anything we need to determine the exact need of the client the best we can.

Trust matters to brand building.

It’s not surprising that Nike has been named one of the 10 most trusted brands.